So Beautiful….

So Beautiful….

These pictures were taken with my iPhone so they don’t really show how blue the water is. But I couldn’t wait to share them.

I checked and the rocks actually have been named. The first, still attached to the land is called Stella. The second is Faraglione di Mezzo. The rocks provide the unique habitat for the Podarcis sicula coerulea. A blue lizard! The blue color is said to be the result of the amphibian’s vicinity to the sea and sky.

Capri is also said to be the place where perfumes began. They have a legend of how in 1380 the Father of the Carthusian Monastery of St. Giacomo made a beautiful flower arrangement for the Queen Giovanna D’Anglio. After three days the flowers were thrown into the water. There was a fragrance in the water that was unknown to the Father. He went to the Father alchemist who traced the scent back and that water became the first perfume of Capri. The same methods once used by the Carthusian monks for perfume making are still used on Capri. That’s why there is a limited production. That legend was enough for me and Kathy! We each bought our share to take home.

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